Wednesday 27 January 2010

I knew this would happen (73 shopping days until W-day.)

Start a blog. Write in it once. Forget all about it.
I made the mistake of mentioning it to the soon-to-be lovely wife (that's soon to be wife, not soon to be lovely, obviously. She's lovely already. And more importantly, she might read this and she can hit harder than I can.)
Anyway, I stupidly mentioned it and now she has asked a couple of times about updates. As if she doesn't get enough ear-bend and inanity from me. What a trooper.
Anyway, events are progressing. We have RSVP's from pretty much everybody, so we can start sending out the evening do invitations as well as a few stragglers for the main event.
I'm just waiting to hear back from the tailors. I'm going to spend more on a suit than I've spent on any single item ever apart from the engagement ring and my old VW Corrado. The Corrado wasn't bespoke of course - the suit will be, thanks to Henry Herbert ( - but then a lounge suit won't do 0-60 in 6.4 seconds and you can't shag in the front seat. I loved that car...
Anyway, had a good conflab with the new organiser person from The Swan at the Globe. She seems to know what's she's doing, so my mind is somewhat eased. there still seems to be an odd mix of loads and not much to do from our side. Most things are essentially sorted to the extent that I'm convinced we're missing something important. One would imagine that a million things will pop out of the woodwork in the last couple of weeks resulting in panic and pandemonium, but for now I'm going to enjoy the peace.
And make a list...
Nearly forgot, we took delivery of our first wedding present last week. Our new, massive bed arrived. By golly it's a monster. P and I have had to get walkie talkies to communicate - we're in different time zones, practically. The bed may be a superking, but the duvet is for now, still decidedly "king" which means I've woken up cold a couple of times when P has infiltrated my side and carried off the whole duvet. Still, I may have been cold, but at least I wasn't cold AND falling off the edge. Result!
Long story short - thanks Mother for the gift of wonderful sleep, free from the fear of being booted off the bed.

Just got off the blower from Henry Herbert. First fitting is on Monday.
I shall have to starve myself for the rest of the week!

Tuesday 5 January 2010

95 shopping days until I get hitched

So this is "Get Me To The Church"* my musings on my uncoming nuptuals.

You know, I could say plenty about me and how I didn't think I'd ever get to this point. Wax lyrical about the joys of batchelorhood and freedom and how marriage isn't a word, but a sentence (geddit?!)  but it would all be a bloody lie.
It's just over 3 months until I get hitched to the bestest girl in the whole world (tm) and by golly, I'm excited.

Honeymoon was finalised today (Kenya) and the Trailfinders gift list set up, so we're all good to go.
(Trailfinders are, by the way, bloody marvellous and I only needed to deploy my geniusness once to make it all work. Nice work Damian from the City branch.)

I will, over the course of the next 3 months muse on such subjects as "seat covers - why?" And the "magical zero that gets added to your bill at the mention of the word 'wedding,'" not to mention reviews of sports facials (not, apparently a footballers bukake session after all...) and them what supplied us with stuff for our big (and eye-wateringly expensive) day. All this in addition to conveying the sense of mounting panic infecting my dreams that through a terrible combination of fate, karma, badly written sit-com humour and alcohol, it'll all go terribly horribly wrong and that the bestest girl in the whole world (tm) won't ever talk to me again.
Unless of course I get bored and forget. Which is almost guaranteed.
So sit down, strap on in (snigger) and welcome to my wedding blog.


*Wedding does not contain any churches or David Bowie lyrics (probably)